Find out what parts you have and where you store them.
You can organize your parts in freely definable parts categories. The most common categories are also available by default.
MyElecParts offers hierarchical storage space management. You can keep track of where your parts are physically located.
Please note that the target audience is electronics hobbyists and makers. MyElecParts should not be used for professional or commercial purposes.
Each part category can be assigned characteristic parameters.
It helps to add usual parameters for a part, but it also helps a lot to sort, filter or find a part with choosen parameters.
Parameters can be filled in by typing or dragging from the datasheet, but you can also get them from the results of a meta search (see below),
which makes it very simple and straightforward to enter a new part.
MyElecParts has a full-featured built-in PDF viewer that displays attached documents quickly and easily.
In addition to the basic controls, the viewer also supports thumbnail view, table of contents, text search, text selection with copy and print.
When you view the details of a part, its data sheet automatically opens, giving you instant access to all its features.
MyElecParts comes with a huge set of packages and manufacturers pre-configured.
Each package data contains package image, basic parameters and also package drawing with physical dimensions.
The supplied set covers most of basic parts, and it can be easily extended.
The list of manufacturers includes the main active and discontinued semiconductor and passive component manufacturers.
Inventorying parts is a long and tedious process unless you have a great tool to make it easier.
MyElecParts makes this process simple and quick. You can search for any part and get the results from online sources with basic information such as manufacturer,
packaging, description and even available data sheets. But that's not all, the search also returns typical parameters for discrete semiconductors
and for some integrated semiconductor products.
After selecting the right match, it is only a step to create an inventory part, which is pre-populated with the collected parameters and the selected data sheets.
Due to the small size of most SMD components, manufacturers are not able to write the full part number on the case.
They use instead a marking code typically composed of a combination of 2 or 3 letters or digits.
MyElecParts is able to locate the original part number using various online sources.
The list of results may not be accurate as many different parts may have the same marking code,
but filtering by pin number or package can narrow down the results to find a possible match.
MyElecParts requires Windows 7 SP1 or later to run.
The portable version can be extracted into any directory, where the program has write access.
MyElecParts requires the .NET Framwork 4.8 Runtime. It is delivered with the Windows 10 operating system. If you're using Windows 10 or later, there is nothing to do. If you are using an older version of the Windows, and do not already have it, please download and install it manually from the Microsoft site:
Download .NET Framework 4.8
MyElecParts also requires a MS SQL database. By default it uses MS SQL Local DB and store the database content in files under Data / Database directory.
At first start the program will check if Local DB is installed and suggests downloading and installing it if it is not yet available.
If you already have an MS SQL Server database you can use it also. Please refer to the Linux installation which contains an example configuration.
Run MyElecParts under Wine
Linux is not natively supported, but MyElecParts can be run under Wine.
This is fully experimental, use it at your own risk.
1. First the last stable version of Wine (9.0 or newer) needs to be installed. This can be downloaded in binary format for Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora from the
Wine HQ.
You will find a description about how to install there.
2. MS SQL LocalDB is not available for Linux, so a real MS SQL Server is needed for database. MS SQL LocalDB on Windows has the advantage
that is store the database content into files Data/Database/MyPartsLocalDB.mdf, and the backup is very easy. Just the Data directory needs to be copy for the full backup.
The data will be strored into the SQL Server database on linux.
You can find further information about downloading and installing MS SQL Server on Linux here:
You can install it on Debian based on the description of the Ubuntu 22.04:
During the installation you need to choose the Express version and at the end you need to enter the sysadmin (sa) password. It is needed later in point 3.
3. After extracting the MyElecParts into any directory you need to edit the MyElecParts.exe.config file before the first start.
It is needed to set connectString to point to the MS SQL Server installation:
And you need to set also CheckIfLocalDBIsInstalled config value to false:
<add key="CheckIfLocalDBIsInstalled" value="false" />
4. Start:
wine MyElecParts.exe
At first start the Wine will ask for downloading and using Mono. Select yes. It will work then.
• Parts export into XLSX and JSON format
• Meta search: Add support for Microcontrollers and passive components
• Meta search: Fix Datasheet4U search
• Bugfix for auto hide taskbar
• 3 new part categories added (Microcontrollers)
• Extend part category parameters
• 3 new packages added (Quartz)
• 9 new manufacturers added
• Bug fixes
• Part Meta search improvements. Support 16 new part catagories.
• 6 new part categories added
• 17 new packages added (Opto, SOJ)
• 22 new manufacturers added
• Bug fixes
• Small improvements
This is the first full functional public version.